
Showing posts from January, 2016

It snowed a lot last weekend.

It snowed a lot last weekend. The next day many schools and kindergartens were closed so I didn't go to work. It is rare to see lots of snow in Jeju city except county sides in the winter.This winter it snowed a lot and the temparature fell to four degrees below zero so the water pipes of lots of houeses were frozen and even some areas had no power. The water pipe in my house has also frozen so my family and I had a hard time for a few days. Fortunately last Monday afternoon we could use the water. If it didn't start working again, We would have gone to my parents' house. The next day in the morning, on the way to work I was worried about the slippery road. But the snow has quickly melted by the warm weather. Now it is raining, instead of the snow!