
Showing posts from November, 2017

Camping and picking tangerines! at Jeju Geulbik camp site ; 제주 귤빛 캠핑장에서 귤따기 체험

At this time last year, I went camping with my family at Geulbik(귤빛) camp site where was next to Jeju tangerines orchards. We enjoyed picking some tangerines as well as camping. My daughter showed how to pick the tangerines on Youtube. We will go there again this month. Have a nice day!

‘무용지물(無用之物) or ‘무용지용(無用之用) / useless thing or useful thing

A long time ago, I saw a good story on TV. One day, a man found a large tree, but there were no other such large and nice trees in the area. He studied the tree carefully to know the reason. He discovered a new fact that it was not good for wood, while normally large trees are used for wood. In the end, the tree was able to grow into a large tree, because it had been ignored by humans a long time ago for that reason, 'Useless thing, '무용지물'. Now, it is no longer a useless thing, but is a good tree giving a resting place to animals, plants and human. In this case, we say Muyongjiyong, '무용지용(無用之用)' in Korean. Have you ever regretted throwing away something that you thought of being useless? In other words, are there something that one day useless things, you thought so at first, were made good use? I would like to say that even something insignificant could also someday be made good use of. ////// 오래 전에 TV에서 괜찮은 이야기를 들었어요. 어느 날, 한 사람이 아주 큰 나무를 발견했는데, 그 주위에...