
Showing posts from May, 2022


I am in self-quarantine because of covid19 symptoms. It is not serious until now. This afternoon I am to receive some medical counseling over the phone. My husband will go to the hospital and pharmacy to get the prescriptions instead of me. I am in my room all day long except when going to the bathroom. But I am enjoying watching TV, using a laptop and my phone, taking a nap, and listening to music. I feel bored.I really want to go out and take a walk. I will be releaved from this quarantine at midnight this Friday. I am really looking forward to that.

Omicron! 오미크론

This Monday a child who I am looking after at the daycare center where I work was confirmed to have covid19. A few days later another child also was confirmed to have it. This week every morning before going to work, I self tested. Until Friday morning, the results had been negative. But yesterday morning, Saturday, I saw two lines on the Covid self-test kit, so I went to the hospital and got tested again. That test was also positive. I was confirmed to have it. I received some medical treatment over the phone and medicine for the next 4 days. I have to self-quarantine for 7 days at home. Now I am suffering from cold symptoms, especially an occasional cough. **** 이번 주 월요일에 제가 일하는 어린이집에서 보살피던 한 아이가 코로나19에 확진되었어요. 며칠 후 다른 아이도 확진되었어요. 이번 주 매주 아침, 출근 전에 저는 코로나 검사 자가 키트로 검사를 했어요. 금요일 아침까지는 음성이었어요. 하지만 어제 토요일 아침에 자가 키트에 두 줄이 보여서 병원에 가서 다사 검사를 받았는데 역시 양성이었어요. 저는 코로나에 확진이 되어서 전화로 진료를 받았어요. 전 4일 치 약도 처방받았어요. 저는 일주일 동안 집에서 저가 격리해야 해요. 지금 저는 감기 증상이 있고 , 특히 가끔씩 기침을 하고 있어요.