New year's resolutions!

Every year I make the same New year's resolutions. 1. To read one book(Korean or English) per month. - I only read one book over one year in 2019. To be frank with you, I didn't even finish reading one book in 2018. This time, I want to read more books in 2020. 2. To improve my English skills - I want to improve my English skills, especially my speaking, so I will practice speaking, listening, and writing. I need to study English very hard to improve them. 3. To lose some weight - I lost 8kg last year, I need to keep it up to stay healthly in 2020. 4. To improve my piano skills - 9 years ago I learned how to play the piano at a piano institute for three months. Since then I had been practicing the piano by myself. Last year I started learning the skill to play the piano at a piano institute for some months. But I couldn't keep learning it because of my busy work. Whenever I listen to the beautiful music that my daughter plays on the piano, I wanted to play the piano like her. I suggested for her to teach me how to play that kind of music. It took about one year for me to play a piece on the piano called 'PROMENADE DANS LES BOIS'. My piano skills are not perfect. This year I hope to enhance my piano skills. This year I added one more. 5. To join the circle to climb mountain in Jeju. - Last year I climbed some mountains. This year I want to climb more mountains . To be frank with you, I am lazy so I need to create a strict schedule for myself. That's all! Did you make any new year's resolutions?


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