
Showing posts from 2022


I am in self-quarantine because of covid19 symptoms. It is not serious until now. This afternoon I am to receive some medical counseling over the phone. My husband will go to the hospital and pharmacy to get the prescriptions instead of me. I am in my room all day long except when going to the bathroom. But I am enjoying watching TV, using a laptop and my phone, taking a nap, and listening to music. I feel bored.I really want to go out and take a walk. I will be releaved from this quarantine at midnight this Friday. I am really looking forward to that.

Omicron! 오미크론

This Monday a child who I am looking after at the daycare center where I work was confirmed to have covid19. A few days later another child also was confirmed to have it. This week every morning before going to work, I self tested. Until Friday morning, the results had been negative. But yesterday morning, Saturday, I saw two lines on the Covid self-test kit, so I went to the hospital and got tested again. That test was also positive. I was confirmed to have it. I received some medical treatment over the phone and medicine for the next 4 days. I have to self-quarantine for 7 days at home. Now I am suffering from cold symptoms, especially an occasional cough. **** 이번 주 월요일에 제가 일하는 어린이집에서 보살피던 한 아이가 코로나19에 확진되었어요. 며칠 후 다른 아이도 확진되었어요. 이번 주 매주 아침, 출근 전에 저는 코로나 검사 자가 키트로 검사를 했어요. 금요일 아침까지는 음성이었어요. 하지만 어제 토요일 아침에 자가 키트에 두 줄이 보여서 병원에 가서 다사 검사를 받았는데 역시 양성이었어요. 저는 코로나에 확진이 되어서 전화로 진료를 받았어요. 전 4일 치 약도 처방받았어요. 저는 일주일 동안 집에서 저가 격리해야 해요. 지금 저는 감기 증상이 있고 , 특히 가끔씩 기침을 하고 있어요.

The crescent moon and Venus! , '초승달과 금성'

Dec 8, 2021 Yesterday I got off work at 6pm and on my way home I looked up at the sky. There was a crescent moon and a shining star that was next to it The shining star was Venus! Today I wanted to see them again after work, but I forgot completely. I am very sad that I didn't get to see them again. 어제 6시에 퇴근 후, 집으로 가는 길에 우연히 하늘을 봤는데, 초승달이 떠 있었어요. 초승달 옆에 유달리 반짝이는 별 하나가 보였는데, 금성이었어요. 오늘 퇴근길에 달과 금성을 다시 보고 싶었는데, 완전히 잊어버렸어요. 다시 못 봐서 무척 아쉬웠어요.

Earthquake in Jeju, '지진'

Dec 14, 2021 When I was correcting my friend's diary on lang8 after work early today, suddenly I saw my desk shaking from side to side for a few seconds. At that moment I wondered what that was, I heard a beep and received a disaster notification message. Wow! It was my first time feeling a strong shaking of an earthquake. 저는 오늘 일찍 퇴근 후, 랭팔 친구의 일기를 수정하고 있을 때, 갑자기 몇 초 동안 책상이 좌우로 흔들거리는 걸 봤어요. 이게 뭐지 하는 순간에 삐 소리가 나면서 재난알림 문자가 왔어요. 와!! 이렇게 강한 지진의 흔들림을 느껴본 건 처음이었어요!

Something stabbed the heel of my left foot, '왼발 뒤꿈치에 뭔가 찔린 듯한 느낌!'

Mar 27, 2022 I woke up early this morning and was walking in a daze in the living room, when suddenly I felt something stab the heel of my left foot. I walked a few steps further, but the pain continued, so I sat down and checked my heel. I touched the heel with my index finger, and there was something very small stuck in it. I tried to pull it out with my right thumb and index finger, but it didn't work. I thought I should take it out with a magnifying glass and tweezers. Fortunately, after several attempts I was able to take it out with my fingers. When I looked closely at it, it looked like a tiny piece of plastic or glass. When I looked around the living room floor, I saw pieces similar to it, so I cleaned them up. I don't know why those pieces are on the floor. Later, I'll have to ask my children if something was broken. 오늘 아침에 일찍 일어나서 몽롱한 상태로 거실을 걸어가고 있는데 갑자기 내 왼발 뒤꿈치에 뭔가 찔린 것 같은 느낌이 있었어요. 몇 발자국 더 걸어가는데, 통증이 계속 있어 그 자리에 앉아 발뒤꿈치를 확인했어요. 검지 손으로 그 뒤꿈치를 만져보았는데, 아주 작은...

Delicious lunch! '맛있는 점심!‘

Mar 6, 2022 Yesterday morning I took an emergency first aid training lesson with my co-workers. I don't like to take any lessons on Saturday mornings as I want to sleep more. We had the lesson for four hours. After it, my boss gave us fried chicken for lunch to take home to have with our families. The delicious smell of the chicken whet my appetite and made me happy. I enjoyed it with my family. 어제 오전에 전 동료들과 응급처치 교육을 받았어요. 전 토요일 오전에 어떤 교육도 받기를 좋아하지 않아요. 왜냐하면 잠을 더 자고 싶어서에요. 우리는 4시간 동안 교육을 받았고 다 끝난 후 집으로 가려고 할 때 원장님이 우리에게 가족들과 함께 점심으로 먹을 후라이드 치킨을 줬어요. 맛있는 냄새가 제 식욕을 자극시켰고 기분도 좋아졌어요. 저는 가족들과 치킨을 맛있게 먹었어요.

My work! '제 직업'

I work at a daycare center as a creche assistant. This year I look after 10, a year old children with my coworker. On march 2nd the new semester stared; so these days I am busy getting the children adapt to the new environment. The children parting away from their parents usually cry and wail for their moms. So I hug them and give toys for them to settle down, These days with children like these it is a hard time for me. I also have to adapt to new children and their parents. 저는 어린이집에서 보육교사로 일해요. 올해 저는 동료교사랑 만1세의 10명의 아이들을 돌봐요. 3월 2일에 새학기가 시작되어서 아이들을 새로운 환경에 적응시키느라 바빠요. 부모랑 헤어진 아이들은 울고 엄마를 기다려요. 그래서 저는 아이들이 진정되도록 안아주고 장난감을 줘요. 요즘 저도 아이들처럼 힘든 시간이에요. 저 또한 새로운 아이들과 부모님들에게 적응중이에요.

Mar 9, 2022 , Voting! '투표'

Mar 9, 2022 08:18 Voting! Good morning from here! I would have liked to have slept some more, but the morning came by more quickly than I had hoped. I woke up early to go to a poll station near my house and selected a candidate for the next Korean president. Today, Koreans will wait to find out who will be the new president. 좋은 아침이에요! 저는 밤잠을 더 잤으면 했지만, 아침이 일찍 찾아왔어요. 저는 일찍 일어나서 집 근처에 있는 투표장에 가서 한국의 차기 대통령 후보를 뽑았어요. 오늘 한국인들은 새대통령 선출을 기다릴 거예요.

The elevator stopped working! 엘리베이터가 멈췄어요!

Mar 16, 2022 I live on the 6th floor of a 28 year-old apartment. A few years ago, the residents discussed replacing the old elevator with a new one. So we have been saving money (for a replacement) since then. But last week the elevator stopped working and it will take 10 days to replace the part. While it is being repaired we can't use it. It is hard to climb 6 floors (of stairs) after work. usually go home on foot after work. Often when I arrived at home, I realized that I couldn't use the elevator. Then I felt more tired. It's interesting that after a few days my health is improving. At first, when I climbed the stairs I felt very tired and I had to rest at 5 floors, but now I can climb the stairs until the 6th floor without rest. 저는 28년 된 6층 아파트에 살고 있어요 몇 년 전, 모든 주민들은 낡은 엘리베이터를 새 엘리베이터로 교체하는 것에 대해 논의했어요. 그래서 우리는 그동안 돈을 모으고 있어요. 하지만 지난주에 엘리베이터가 작동을 멈췄고 부품을 교체하는데 열흘이 걸린대요. 수리기간동안 엘리베이터는 사용할 수 없어요. 퇴근 후 6층까지 계단 오르기는 힘들어요. 저는 보통 퇴근 후에 걸어서 집에 와요. 저는 종종 집에 도착한 후에 엘리베이...

On my way to work! '출근길!'

Mar 24 2022 I think going to work is like exercise because it takes about 15 minutes from home to get there on foot. Sometimes my husband takes me there. This week I had to go by 7:30 a.m. Today I was very tired, so I asked my husband to take me there. When I got in the car I turned on the radio, a nice pop song 'Fly me to the moon' was playing. I was so glad to listen to it, most of all, I was happy to get what the lyrics meant. 출근은 집에서 걸어서 15분 정도 걸리기 때문에 운동과 같다고 생각해요. 가끔 남편이 데려다 주기도 해요. 이번 주는 아침 7시 30분까지 가는데 오늘은 너무 피곤해서 데려다 달라고 부탁했어요. 제가 차에 탔을 때 라디오를 켰는데, 'Fly me to the moon'이라는 멋진 팝송이 흘러나왔어요. 저는 팝송을 듣는 것이 너무 좋았고, 무엇보다 가사의 의미를 이해가 되어서 너무 기뻤어요.

At a beauty salon!

Mar 26, 2022 I went to a beauty salon next to the apartment where I live this morning. A customer was already sitting with a perm on her hair. I sat right away and was getting my hair cut when another customer, a man, came in. While my hair was being dyed after cutting, another male customer came in. While I was sitting and wearing a warm hat over my hair after dyeing my hair, a male customer was getting his hair cut next to me. While my hair was dyeing, I browsed the web on my smartphone and dozed off for a while. When I opened my eyes to get my hair rinse, my husband was just coming into the salon. It seemed to be the busiest the beauty salon has been since the outbreak of COVID-19. 오늘 아침에 아파트 옆에 있는 미용실에 갔다. 여자 손님 한분이 이미 파마를 하고 앉아 계셨다. 나는 바로 자리에 앉아 머리를 자르고 있는데 다른 손님이 들어오셨다. 내가 머리를 염색하고 있을 때 또 다른 손님이 들어오셨다. 내가 염색 후 기다리고 있는 동안 옆 의자에선 남자 손님이 머리를 자르고 있었다. 머리에 따뜻한 모자를 쓰고 염색되는 동안 난 스마트폰으로 이것저것을 검색했고 잠깐 졸기도 했다. 머리를 헹굴 시간이 되어 내가 눈을 떴을 때 마침 남편이 미용실에 들어오고 있었다. 코로나 발생 이후 제일 바빠 보이는 미용실 모습인 것...

Conversation exchange application '대화교환 앱'

Mar 13, 2022 My friend introduced me to a conversation exchange application. At first, I became pen pals with people and then I texted on Kakaotalk. Most of the people I met there were so kind that it was easy to make friends. Each person had different personalities, jobs, and knowledge so I was so glad to talk with them in English although I often had to use a translator. But when I felt that we became good friends, they told me about their bad situation and asked me to send money to their bank. I already knew about a similar story and I realized that I could be scammed by them. So I didn't send money and refused politely. Since then they haven't sent any messages. I also blocked them on Kakaotalk. I don't think everyone is like that, but I was very disappointed with them. 친구의 소개로 알게 된 ‘대화교환’ 앱을 사용했어요. 처음에 펜팔을 교환하다가 카톡으로 문자를 주고받았어요. 제가 만난 대부분의 사람들은 매우 친절해서 저는 쉽게 친구를 만들 수 있었어요. 저마다 다양한 성격, 직업, 지식 등이 있었고, 비록 제가 종종 번역기를 사용해야 했지만 영어로 그들과 대화하는 하는 것은 무척 즐거웠어요. 하지만 제가 그들과 좋은 ...