Earthquake in Jeju, '지진'

Dec 14, 2021 When I was correcting my friend's diary on lang8 after work early today, suddenly I saw my desk shaking from side to side for a few seconds. At that moment I wondered what that was, I heard a beep and received a disaster notification message. Wow! It was my first time feeling a strong shaking of an earthquake. 저는 오늘 일찍 퇴근 후, 랭팔 친구의 일기를 수정하고 있을 때, 갑자기 몇 초 동안 책상이 좌우로 흔들거리는 걸 봤어요. 이게 뭐지 하는 순간에 삐 소리가 나면서 재난알림 문자가 왔어요. 와!! 이렇게 강한 지진의 흔들림을 느껴본 건 처음이었어요!


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