The crescent moon and Venus! , '초승달과 금성'

Dec 8, 2021 Yesterday I got off work at 6pm and on my way home I looked up at the sky. There was a crescent moon and a shining star that was next to it The shining star was Venus! Today I wanted to see them again after work, but I forgot completely. I am very sad that I didn't get to see them again. 어제 6시에 퇴근 후, 집으로 가는 길에 우연히 하늘을 봤는데, 초승달이 떠 있었어요. 초승달 옆에 유달리 반짝이는 별 하나가 보였는데, 금성이었어요. 오늘 퇴근길에 달과 금성을 다시 보고 싶었는데, 완전히 잊어버렸어요. 다시 못 봐서 무척 아쉬웠어요.


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