Picture books, '그림책'

I often read picture books for children at work, a daycare center. I teach them good manners such as table manners, getting along with friends and other good things from the books. I don't think that only children should read the picture books. Although most of picture books were published for children, I was also moved byt the story. For some reason picture books touch adults as well as kids. Today I read a book called Dot. A child who doesn't like art class put a dot on a piece of paper and submitted it to his teacher during art class. He looked angry. Then his teacher said "Write your name". The next day when the child went to school, he saw his framed picture on the wall. He was very surprised. He just put a dot on the middle of paper in anger but his teacher thought it as a work of art. Since he then made various forms of dots and his school continued to display his works. What do you think about this story? If you were his teacher, what would you do? I was also touched by his teacher. If she got mad at him, he would've never liked the art class. I think that a teacher can influence to a child's life so I hope that my children at work will grow into adults with good character and dreams.


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