
Showing posts from 2020

On Christmas Day!

After decorating the living room with light bulbs to create a cafe atmosphere, I am drinking a cup of tea while listening to good music.

“Bad news travels fast. ” : “발 없는 말이 천리 간다.”

Now, with the development of the Internet, people can see many events easier. But some of them are so exaggerated or false. For example, there was a hot story on the Internet and the mass media. It was that a pregnant woman was attacked by an employee at a restaurant while talking about bad service with the employee. The pregnant wrote about it on the Internet, and made people take a profound interest to in the incident. Many people were very angry and felt the same way as her, although the owner also put a post to refute her on the Internet. As a result, the business of the restaurant was hurt by bad image. Policemen looked at the CCTV to figure out the truth of the case. In the end, they reported her lies. People were disappointed in her and were ashamed of spreading rumours without checking. ****** 지금, 인터넷의 발달로 인해 사람들은 많은 사건들을 쉽게 접하고 있다. 그런데 그 중에는 너무 과정 되거나 거짓된 사건들도 있다. 한 예로, 공중매체와 인터넷 세상을 뜨겁게 달군 사건이 있었다. 어느 임산부가 어느 음식점에 갔다가 한 직원에게 구타를 당했다는 소식이었다. 임산부는 그 음식점의 나쁜 서비스와 관련해서 직원과 말싸움 도...

Camellia!, 동백꽃

Every spring there are various kinds of camellia flowers in Camellia Hill park. we think that camellia looks like a woman's love, noble and pure, and only one man because the way the bud falls is very beautiful. ******** 매년 봄 동백동산에는 다양한 종류의 동백꽃들이 있어요. 한국에서는 동백꽃이 꽃봉오리 채 떨어지는 모습이 너무 아름다워 마치 ‘오직 한 남자에 대한 여인의 지고지순한 사랑'을 닮았다고 생각해요.

Funny story!

Man : Wow! It seems like forever just waiting here Woman : Honey, What would you do if I left you? Man : Don't even think about it! Woman : Will you kiss me everyday? Man : Of course! Woman : Will you cheat? Man : Are you crazy? What are you talking about? Woman : Will you love me until I die? Man : Yes! Woman : Honey! Do you know why this story is funny? Then, read it from beneath! Do you think so? ********* 웃긴이야기 남 : 우와! 기다리느라 목 빠지는 줄 알았어! 여 : 여보, 내가 떠나면 어떻게 할 거야? 남 : 그런 거 꿈도 꾸지 마! 여 : 나한테 매일매일 키스해 줄 거야? 남 : 응, 당연하지 여 : 당신 바람 필 거야? 남 : 미쳤어? 사람보는 눈이 그렇게 없어? 여 : 나 죽을 때까지 사랑할 거지? 남 : 응. 여 : 여보! 왜 이 이야기가 웃긴지 아세요? 그러면 밑에서부터 읽으세요.

Creation and evolution of the moon, '달의 생성과 진화'

How about watching this video which was made by NASA? It shows for only 3 minutes about creation and evolution of the moon that it was started by a fragment of celestial bodies and became a satellite. Nasa explained how the moon went through intense change, such as many collisions with asteroids, for 4.5 billion years. That's why there are hundreds of thousands of craters on the surface of the moon. I also think it so amazing to see the evolution of the moon for a shot time sitting at home. NASA에 의해 만들어진 이 동영상을 보는 것은 어떤가요? 그 동영상은 달이 천체의 파편에서 한 개의 위성이 되기까지 오직 3분 동안에 달의 생성과 진화를 보여주고 있어요. 나사는 달이 45억년 동안 많은 소행성 충돌과 같은 격렬한 변화를 겪었다고 설명했어요. 그래서 달 표면에는 수백만 개의 운석구덩이들이 있어요. 저는 집에서 짧은 시간 동안에 달의 진화를 볼 수 있다는 것 또한 놀라운 일이라고 생각해요.

Make the impossible possible, "불가능한 일을 가능하게 만들다"

Whenever I post my writing on my bloger, I wonder what kind of subject I will write about one year or two years or 10 years later. This moment when I write something in English I feel happy. In fact, when I was a high school student I couldn't imagine it. Because my English ability was very poor, it was impossible for me to read English books or chat in English or to pen pal. But now I can do those things. It might have been still impossible if I had not put my effort into my study. ****** 저는 블로그에 1년 후에, 2년 후에 아니면 10년 후에 나는 무슨 주제로 글을 쓰고 있을지가 궁금해요. 영어로 글을 쓰고 있는 이 순간에 저는 행복함을 느껴요. 사실 제가 고등학생이었을 때는 이런 제 모습을 상상할 수 없었거든요. 왜냐하면 그때 제 영어실력은 아주 형편이 없어서 영어책을 읽는다든가 영어채팅을 한다든가 영어펜팔을 한다는 것은 불가능했기 때문이에요. 그러나 지금은 그것들을 전 할 수 있어요. 제가 공부에 노력을 하지 않았다면 그것은 여전히 불가능했을지도 몰라요.

Waiting for the age of fifty

Good evening~ You might be sleeping now. Today is windy. I can hear the sound of wind over the window. Writing my diary in English is one of my pleasures. I enjoy reading my English writing. People say that life starts at forty. It must be an important moment. Before I was forty, I started learning foreign languages again. Since then, my life changed with joy. I have gotten many good energy from nice friends who are passionate about studying languages. Thanks to them, I feel happy in my daily life. I'll be fifty next year. I am not afraid to be older. I want to have more experience and learn more about the world since I already stepped one foot in a different world.

How to make Cold Bean Noodles!, 콩국수 만드는 방법

This morning for breakfast, I made (my own) cold bean-soup noodles for the first time. It took a long time to cook it. Yesterday I bought some dried beans at a market and I put them in water. The beans became bigger as time passed. Six hours later I washed them and peeled their skins. This morning I boiled them for about twenty minutes and washed them in cold water several times. Then I ground them with a blender. I also boiled white noodles and washed them in a cold water. Lastly I sliced cucumber and yellow melon to decorate the noodles. After cooking, I put them in a big bowl. The taste of the cold bean noodle soup was nice! ******* 오늘 아침에 내가 처음으로 만든 콩국수를 아침으로 집에서 먹었다. 콩국수를 만드는데 오랜 시간이 걸렸다. 어제 나는 시장에서 말린 콩을 샀다. 나는 그것들을 물에 넣었다. 시간이 지날수록 콩은 점점 커지고 있었다. 6시간 후에 나는 그것들을 씻고 껍질을 벗겼다. 오늘 아침 나는 그것들을 20분 동안 삶은 후 믹서기로 갈았다. 그리고 하얀 국수를 삶고 찬물에 헹궜다. 마지막으로 나는 국수 위에 올릴 오이와 참외를 채 썰었다. 요리를 마치고 나는 큰 그릇에 옮겨 넣었다. 콩국수 맛은 좋았다.

My partner for life of SG Wannabe!

When I was 35years old, I enjoyed listening to music of SG Wannabe in the car at rush hour. I like all music of the group, SG Wannabe. Especially I Love the song 'My partner for life'. The lyrics are very touching. Whenever I listen to the song, I feel tears in my eyes. I translated the Korean lyrics into English. My English was not good enough for translating it perfectly, so Naver Papago helped me. Naver Papago is a very good source for translation, but not perfect to make natural sentences. So I also corrected some English sentences. And Chihiro who is a member of Lang-8 website corrected my writing! Thank you for your correction, Chihioro! ************Lyrics*************** (Kim Jin-ho) The one who lives in my heart, the one whom I care about so much. It's so precious that I couldn't even hug as much as I want. (Chae Dong-ha) I've never given a common happiness so you've never smiled as much as you want. I love you. (Kim Yong-joon) When I was happy or sad, y...

My kid's school entrance ceremony!

Six years ago, my daughter had her elementary school entrance ceremony. After the ceremony, all the parents went into the children's classroom and met the homeroom teacher. The children were so quiet, all full of nervous tension. And then She told them cute and funny to just relax. Thanks to her, all the parents laughed. I liked the teacher's attitude so much. She told us that she would do her best to help the children have a happy school life. My daughter liked school so much because she has met close friends of the neighborhood in her class.This year she graduated from elementary school and she was going to middle school. But her entrance ceremony delayed several times for the serious Corona situation. In the end, instead of going to school, now she has been studying with Online lectures. I hope her to enjoy her school life soon like as usual.

My hobbies!

Good morning! The weather is nice! My hobbies are practicing the piano, going camping, taking trips, photography and learning English. If the weather is fine on weekends, I go camping with my family. The campground we usually go to is Moguri in Seongyoup. It is very enjoyable eating outdoors. Seeing the stars at night is also another pleasure. Most of all, it seems great to be with my family. I also like taking a trip with my family. Jeju is one of the tourist cities. Every year there are several kinds of festivals there, so we go there to have fun. I also take a lot of pictures. I like to take pictures. Although I don't have a nice camera, Iuse my cellphone. On weekends, if the weather is bad, when I am at home, I practice the piano. When I was 39 years old, I learned how to play the piano at a piano institute for 3 months. Now I can play easy children songs. I have been practicing the piano to play the nice classical music, 'PROMENADE DANS LES BOIS, 숲속의 오솔길' for one year....

My passion for English!

Writing my diary in English is one of my pleasures. It is also special joy to read my English writing. People say that life starts at forty. It must be an important moment. Before I was forty, I started learning foreign languages again. Since then, my life changed with joy. I have gotten many good energy from nice friends who are passionate about studying languages. Thanks to them, I feel happy in my daily life. I'll be fifty next year. I am not afraid to be older. I want to have more experience and learn more about the world since I already stepped one foot in a different world.