
Showing posts from June, 2015

'The age of forty' 불혹의 나이 '마흔 살'

People say that life starts at forty. It must be an important moment. Before I was forty, I started learning foreign languages again. I already had one foot in a different world so I want to have more experience and learn more about the world. 불혹의 나이 ‘마흔 살’. 마흔 살 부터가 진정한 인생의 시작이라고 말해요. 그만큼 중요한 시기임이 틀림없어요. 제가 마흔이 되기 전 제 자신을 위해 잘 했다고 생각하는 것은 외국어 공부를 다시 시작했다는 거예요. 다른 세상으로 통하는 문으로 한발자국 내딛었다는 거예요. 그래서 새해에는 더 많은 경험과 세상의 이치를 깨닫고 싶어요.

Healthy water, 음양탕

Many people are interested in finding good food or medicine for their health. That's why some people spend a lot of money to buy them. You might know well that water is also good for our health. Many people try to drink at least 1.5L of water a day. Today, I learned some nice information about water on TV. An oriental doctor introduced special water, '음양탕‘, and showed viewers how to make it. The recipe is very simple. First, pour hot water into 2/3 cup and then pour 1/3 cold water over the hot water. Don't mix them, just keep it. What would happen in the water? The water would circulate while mixing hot water and cold water. It is 음양탕. Just drink it. Then, it will help improve energy circulation in your body'. It is also important to keep drinking the water. In fact, preparing hot water could be inconvenient. It's O.K to use water purifier with hot and cold water. The doctor said that even juice can also be made into 음양탕 on the same principle. ----- 많은 사람들은 자...

A good story about 'Sibri', 십리에 관한 교훈

Let me tell you a story from the Choseon Dynasty. A traveler was going to Hanyang city which is now the capital city of Korea, Seoul. On his way to Hanyang city, he met a young man and asked how far it is from here to Hanyang city. The man said to go Sibri further". When he went about 'Sibri', he asked a woman if this was Hanyang city. But she also suggested him to go 'Sibri' further. He walked and walked. When he went about 'Sibri', he met an old man and asked him the same question. The old man also suggested him to go 'Sibri' further. Then the traveler was very angry. "All the people that I have met, told me to go Sibri further", said the traveler to him. The old man laugh aloud, "It is because if you think of going ‘Bakri" further to Hanyang, you would be quiet exhausted before walking." said the old man. What do you think about the story? Learning languages is like the story. In fact, it is not easy to master languages...

Jaksimsamil, ‘작심삼일(作心三日)’

At the beginning of the new year, many people decide to do something new, such as stop smoking, stop drinking, going on a diet, or learning something new. After deciding to do it, people seriously seem to pursue their new goals for a while. But how long can they keep their resolutions? For one year, or one month? There is a saying : Jaksimsamil(작심삼일). 작심삼일(作心三日) means that the "firm" resolution isn't kept for more than 3 days. In other words, people easily give up on their goals. Many people have difficulty to following their resolutions and in the end they seem to abandon them quickly(=give them up). I also decided to do something, but I'm already not doing it, in fact I haven't even started going it. It makes me feel impatient. How about you? ----- 신년 초에 많은 사람들은 금주, 금연, 다이어트하기 또는 공부하기와 같은 새로운 일을 하기로 결심해요. 결심한 후 한동안 사람들은 진지하게 계획을 실천하는 것 같아요. 그러나 얼마나 오랫동안 사람들은 그 계획을 실천할 수 있을까요? 일 년 아니면 한 달 동안? ‘작심삼일’이라는 속담이 있어요. ‘작심삼일(作心三日)’은 “굳게 먹은 마음이 3일을 못 간다.”라는 뜻이에요...

'What I Like and Dislike', 내가 좋아하는 것과 싫어하는 것

An instructor said that she loves speaking in front of people but hates preparing lectures. A writer said that he loves writing but has trouble getting himself to his desk. A director said that he is very glad to see his completed movie but has trouble planning his work. In other words, we all have to do what we dislike in order to do what we love.--- 어는 한 강사가 말하기를 자기는 사람들 앞에서 강의를 하는 것을 제일 좋아하지만 강의를 준비하는 것이 제일 싫대요. 어는 작가가 말하기를 자기는 글을 쓰는 것을 제일 좋아하지만 책상 앞에 가기까지가 제일 힘들대요. 어는 감독이 말하기를 자신의 완성된 영화를 보는 게 제일 기쁘지만, 작품을 계획하는 것이 어렵대요. 즉, 우리가 제일 좋아하는 일을 하려면 싫어하는 일도 해야 된다는 거래요.

My first Scaling, '생애 최초 치석 제거'

Two years ago, I went to the dentist and had my teeth scaled . It was my first time, so I was very nervous. After my face, except for my mouth, was covered by a cloth with a small hole, the scaling began. I was glad to hear the therapist kind explanations of the process during the scaling. For example, water would splash a little, or your front teeth would feel irritated, etc. I felt something passing every corner of my teeth with a sharp and noisy machine. By the end of the scaling, my fear had melted away and I felt comfortable. After the scaling, I was very surprised. In fact, I expected that it would take a long time and be very painful, but I was able to(=could) stand the pain. After listening to her advice on getting a regular cleaning once a year, I left the dentist with light steps. ------- 저는 2년 전 치과에 가서 스케일링을 받았어요. 처음으로 하는 거라 많이 긴장했어요. 구멍이 뚫린 천이 제 입을 제외한 얼굴에 씌어진 후 스케일링이 시작됐어요. 담당 선생님이 친절하게 여러 가지 상황들을 치료 중간 중간에 말씀해 주셔서 좋았어요. 예를 들면, 물이 조금 나와서 튀어요. 또는 앞니로 갈수록 따끔거려요 등. 이를 빙 둘러...

My feeling after watching the TV program of SBS broadcasting,'Thank You' on a winter day in 2013

'Thank You' showed the process that three men had spent time together for one night and two days. They are still famous in their jobs. One is an actor, another is a baseball player and the other is a monk. I became curious about their trip. In fact, I wanted to know what the famous people like them were thinking and worrying about their lives. During one day, they enjoyed having a snowball fight and some funny games under the beautiful snow scenery. It made me feel good to see the adults playing like children. They became more intimate as time went on. They talked a lot sitting around the fire at night. I was very impressed by their honest talking. It is not easy to show one's worries and thoughts to the public. For this reason, impressions of their remarks are still lingering(= still linger) in my mind. **** 1. We are partners to each other even though we have walked alnog the different way and we are going there again. 2. I am really happy because I have someone to exp...

'Korean Origin Myths', 한국 건국 신화

Have you ever heard of Korea's Origin Myth, 'The Myth of Dangoon'? Once upon a time, Hwanin, who was like a God, had a son named Hwanyoong who came down to Earth to look after people. There was also a tiger and a bear that wanted to become human. Hwanyoong advised that they eat only garlic and mugwort for 100 days while living in a cave. If they could do this, he promised to make them humans. The tiger soon gave up, but the bear followed these rules well, so Hwanyoong kept his promise. As a result, the bear became a woman and got married to Hwanyoong. Dangoon was their only son, who founded a nation called 'Gojoseon'.----- 여러분은 한국의 건국 신화인 ‘단군 신화’를 들어본 적이 있나요? 옛날 옛적, 환인의 아들 환웅이 인간들을 보살피기 위해 땅에 내려왔어요. 인간이 되고픈 호랑이와 곰도 있었어요. 환웅은 그들에게 100일 동안 동굴에서 오직 마늘과 쑥을 먹으라고 제안했어요. 호랑이는 곧 포기를 했지만, 곰은 그의 규칙을 잘 따라서 약속을 지켰어요. 그 결과 그 곰은 여자가 되어 환웅과 결혼을 했어요. 그들에게는 ‘단군’이라는 아들이 한 명 있었는데, 단군은 ‘고조선’이란 나라를 세웠어요.

'Jeju Dragon Head Shore’, 제주 용머리 해안

There are many places with great natural landscapes all over the world. Do you ever feel the wonder of nature when you see great landscapes? I think ‘Dragon Head Shore’ is one of these places. Have you ever seen a shore like it? 'Dragon Head Shore’ is located at the bottom of Mount Sanbang on Jeju island. It was named because it looked like a dragon jumping and flying toward(=towards) the ocean. Let me tell you about the sad legend of Dragon Head Shore. During the Qin Dynasty in China, King Shi Huang heard a rumor that a king would be born on Jeju Island. He sent a geomancer called Hojongadan to Jeju to block the Hyeol. In geomancy, Hyeol means a places of good spirits. He searched for it as soon as he came to Jeju Island. One day, while looking at Dragon Head Shore he finally found the Hyeol of Mount Sanbang. It looked like a dragon head about to fly toward the pacific Ocean. He decisively cut the dragon's tail and back with his sword. Then dark red blood spewed out with a l...

The privacy should be respected!

The news of the celebrity's suicide gave the public as well as his family a big emotional shock. It seems to have the most negative impact if it is one's favorite personality who has died. Celebrities also have problems in their lives even though they seem to have great lives as shown in the media. But the public only sees their lives through the media. If one doesn't know the truth about a celebrity's personal life , it would be better not to say anything about them. But their broken heart seems to be made worse by heartless people who like to blame on them as if they know the truth about the rumors.---- 유명인의 자살 소식은 가족뿐만 아니라 대중에게도 큰 충격을 주었다. 특히나 자신이 좋아하는 유명인의 죽음은 더 그런 것 같다. 비록 매스컴을 통해 비춰지는 연예인들의 삶은 화려하지만, 그들 역시 힘든 삶이 있다. 대중은 그들의 겉모습만 본다. 차라리 사실을 모르면 아무런 말이라도 하지 말지. 그러나 마치 다 아는 것처럼 비난하는 그런 무심한 사람들에 의해 그들의 상처는 더 깊어지는 것 같다.

At dusk in Ayoung(어영마을)

At dusk in Ayoung(어영마을) we can see the sunset and fishing boats on the horizon. The boats turn on the lights, which are so bright and dazzling. They do this because cuttle fish like bright lights. The sight of the boats and the village lights make me feel comfortable while sitting on a bench and feeling the sea breeze.-----해가 질 무렵 어영마을에 가면 노을도 볼 수 있고 수평선에 뜬 오징어잡이 어선들도 볼 수 있어요. 캄캄한 밤이 되면 그 배들은 환한 전등을 켜는데 눈이 부실 정도로 밝아요. 왜냐하면 오징어들은 환한 불빛을 좋아하기 때문이에요. 벤치에 앉아서 시원한 바닷바람을 맞으면서 오징어 배들도 보고 마을의 불빛도 보면 마음이 편안해져요.

The teacher, 마여진's words in the last class!

In a drama called 'Queen's Classroom', what the teacher, 마여진 says to all of her classes was very impressive. Her words to her children in the last class touched my heart. "You will live trembling with fear. You have to sacrifice today for your tomorrow. But remember that you only can live in today, not tomorrow. Whenever you feel fear, feel that you are alive. Don't do such a stupid thing as giving up today because of fear for your future. If you don't have any dreams, do your best with what you want to do and have to do, so then your dreams can be seen. Don't run away from your work and live for your happiness. Don't forget that your friends also have to be happy as well as you. Treasure yourself and your friends. Do your best to live today with your friends." 드라마 ‘여왕의 교실’에서 마여진 선생님이 매수업마다 남기는 말씀이 아주 인상적이었어요. 그중 마지막 수업에서 하신 말씀이 제게 크게 와 닿았어요. 마여진 선생님은 "너희들은 매일 두려움에 떨며 살 거다. 내일을 위해서 오늘을 희생하며 살아야 한다. 하지만 기억해라. 너희들이 살 수 있는 시간은 내일이 아닌 오늘 뿐이다. 마음이...