'Korean Origin Myths', 한국 건국 신화
Have you ever heard of Korea's Origin Myth, 'The Myth of Dangoon'? Once upon a time, Hwanin, who was like a God, had a son named Hwanyoong who came down to Earth to look after people. There was also a tiger and a bear that wanted to become human. Hwanyoong advised that they eat only garlic and mugwort for 100 days while living in a cave. If they could do this, he promised to make them humans. The tiger soon gave up, but the bear followed these rules well, so Hwanyoong kept his promise. As a result, the bear became a woman and got married to Hwanyoong. Dangoon was their only son, who founded a nation called 'Gojoseon'.-----
여러분은 한국의 건국 신화인 ‘단군 신화’를 들어본 적이 있나요? 옛날 옛적, 환인의 아들 환웅이 인간들을 보살피기 위해 땅에 내려왔어요. 인간이 되고픈 호랑이와 곰도 있었어요. 환웅은 그들에게 100일 동안 동굴에서 오직 마늘과 쑥을 먹으라고 제안했어요. 호랑이는 곧 포기를 했지만, 곰은 그의 규칙을 잘 따라서 약속을 지켰어요. 그 결과 그 곰은 여자가 되어 환웅과 결혼을 했어요. 그들에게는 ‘단군’이라는 아들이 한 명 있었는데, 단군은 ‘고조선’이란 나라를 세웠어요.
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