Another fun of Camping!, '또 다른 야영의 재미!'

Last Saturday afternoon, the weather was very nice in downtown, so I enjoyed going camping with my family. When we went to Moguri camp site, the weather was also warm and nice so I felt very excited. But the sound of wind woke me up at dawn. The wind was very strong so it flapped our tent. My husband went out of the tent in a hurry and fixed the tent to the rocks with rope so that it would not to blown off by the strong wind. Maybe it was around 3a.m at that time. It also rained a little bit, but it stopped soon. It was very lucky. The next morning, the wind was still strong. But I think it is also another fun of camping. Anyway I had a good time there. ---- 지난주 토요일 오후, 시내는 날씨가 정말 좋았어요. 그래서 가족들과 야영을 가는 마음이 즐거웠어요. 모구리 야영장에 가서도 날씨가 참 따뜻하고 좋아서 정말 기분이 좋았어요. 그러나 새벽녘에 바람소리에 놀라 잠이 깼어요. 바람이 얼마나 심하게 부는지 텐트가 휘청거렸어요. 남편은 서둘러 밖으로 나가, 텐트가 바람에 날아가지 않도록 돌에 줄을 묶어서 고정시켰어요. 그때가 새벽 3시쯤 됐어요. 비도 조금 왔지만, 금방 멈췄어요. 다행이었어요. 다음날 아침에도 여전히 바람은 강했어요. 그렇지만 저는 이것도 '또 다른 야영의 재미'라고 생각해요. 어쨌든 저는 거기서 즐거운 시간을 보냈어요.


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