On my way to work, '출근길!'
Dec 17, 2014 : Last night it snowed, but I didn't expect the snow would lie on the road. This morning when I opened the window as soon as I woke up, I was very surprised that the world looked white with snow. I hurried helping my kids go to school . My husband and I also hurried going to work. On the way to work by car, I saw a car was sliding on the road near my house. I suggested to my husband that it would be better to walk, but my husband said "No problem". Fortunately we got to work safely, but I was very worried that an accident would happen. By the way I heard that tomorrow it also will be cold and snowy, so I am worried about going to work. If it snows a lot on the road, I will walk to work. ****
지난밤 눈이 왔지만 나는 도로에 눈이 쌓일 거라고는 예상하지 못했다. 오늘 아침 일어나자마자 창문을 열었을 때 온 세상이 눈으로 하얘서 나는 무척 놀랐다. 차로 출근길에 차 한 대가 집 근처 도로에서 미끄러지는 것을 보았다. 나는 남편에게 걸어가는 게 낫겠다고 제안했지만 남편은 “문제 없어”라고 말했다. 다행히 우리는 안전하게 회사에 도착했지만 나는 사고가 날지도 모른다는 생각에 무척 걱정했었다. 그런데 내일도 춥고 눈이 온다는 기상소식을 들어 출근을 걱정했다. 만약 내일 도로에 눈이 많이 쌓이면 걸어갈 것이다.
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