An Oiljang village market, '오일장'

In Korea, there are different kinds of markets such as shopping malls, marts, supermarkets, convenience stores, outdoor markets, etc. Most markets are open everyday, but a once-every-5-days village market, '五日場 (Oiljang)', opens once every 5 days. ‘五’ means ‘5’, ‘日’ means 'day', ‘場’ means 'place'. The days of the market vary from region to region. Here, it happens on the 2, 7, 12, 22, 27 of every month in Jeju city. When it opens during the weekend, it is especially crowded with people and cars. This market offers a wide variety of goods, including trees, flowers, pets and domestic animals such as chicks, hens, ducks and rabbits. And it has lots of kinds of food such as rice cakes, cookies, rice cakes in hot sauce, sundae, fried food, hodduk, etc. Would you like to come with me? **** 한국에는 백화점, 마트, 슈퍼마켓, 편의점, 재래시장과 같은 다양한 종류의 시장이 있어요. 대부분의 시장은 매일 열리지만,‘오일장’은 5일에 한 번씩 장이 열려요. 지역마다 장이 열리는 날은 조금씩 달라요. 여기 제주시는 2일, 7일, 12일, 17일, 22일, 27일에 오일장이 열려요. 특히 주말에 장이 열리는 날에는 사람들과 차로 붐벼요. 이곳에는 아주 다양한 물건들이 있는데, 심지어 나무, 꽃, 애완용, 병아리, 닭, 오리, 토끼도 있어요. 그리고 떡, 과자, 떡볶이, 순대, 튀김, 호떡 등 다양한 음식들도 있어요. 저랑 같이 가실래요? ****


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