Enjoying Traditional Korean Games, '한국 전통놀이 즐기기'
Sep 21, 2013. .
Now it's the Korean Thanksgiving Day holidays, so cultural events featuring traditional games are being held. Yesterday my family and I went to the Museum of Natural History. There were already adults and children enjoying traditional games such as Jaekichagi, Slap-Match, throwing Tuho, rolling a hoop, top spinning games etc. My children also enjoyed the games. I also enjoyed playing these games when I was a child. These days, children seem to enjoy computer games more than traditional games. And there was a game for adults in which they roll a hoop. I was fascinated to see participants rolling that hoop very well. Are there similar games in your nation? *****
요즘 추석연휴라서 전통놀이를 체험할 수 있는 행사가 열리고 있어요. 저는 가족들과 어제 '자연사박물관'에 갔어요. 그곳에서는 이미 어른과 아이들이 제기차기, 딱지치기, 투호던지기, 굴렁쇠 굴리기, 팽이치기 등 전통놀이를 즐기고 있었어요. 저희 아이들도 전통놀이를 체험했어요. 저도 어렸을 때 이런 놀이를 즐겨 했어요. 요즘 아이들은 이런 전통놀이보다는 컴퓨터게임을 즐기고 있는 것 같아요. 그리고 어른들이 참가하는 굴렁쇠 굴리기 게임이 있었는데 참가자들이 굴렁쇠를 참 잘 다루는 모습이 신기했어요. 여러분의 나라에서도 이런 비슷한 전통놀이가 있나요? ***
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