
Showing posts from 2019

New year's resolutions!

Every year I make the same New year's resolutions. 1. To read one book(Korean or English) per month. - I only read one book over one year in 2019. To be frank with you, I didn't even finish reading one book in 2018. This time, I want to read more books in 2020. 2. To improve my English skills - I want to improve my English skills, especially my speaking, so I will practice speaking, listening, and writing. I need to study English very hard to improve them. 3. To lose some weight - I lost 8kg last year, I need to keep it up to stay healthly in 2020. 4. To improve my piano skills - 9 years ago I learned how to play the piano at a piano institute for three months. Since then I had been practicing the piano by myself. Last year I started learning the skill to play the piano at a piano institute for some months. But I couldn't keep learning it because of my busy work. Whenever I listen to the beautiful music that my daughter plays on the piano, I wanted to play th...

An easy weekend!

Now I am camping with my family at Moguri camp site. Last night I went to sleep at about 11p.m. After a while I woke up by the sound of dropping rain on the tent. It was one of pleasure on camping. This morning the rain stopped and a litte cold wind is blowing. After breakfast we will go back home.

A scary habit. '무서운 습관'

A long time ago, I experienced an embarrassing situation. I used to visit a certain place at the same time. A few months later, I didn't need to go there anymore. Once I drove a car in a hurry to an appointed place. As I was driving a car, I suddenly blanked out. Because I was driving on a road I normally took by habit, in the opposite direction of the appointed place. My body moved according to the habit I had formed regardless of my will. **** 아주 오래 전에 어이없는 일이 있었다. 언제나 같은 시간에 어떤 곳을 방문했던 적이 있었다. 몇 개월 후, 나는 그곳에 가지 않게 되었다. 한번은 서둘러 약속장소에 나가게 되었다. 차를 운전하면서 한참 달리고 있을 때 갑자기 정신이 멍해졌다. 왜냐하면 나는 습관적으로 약속장소 반대 방향인 그 길을 가고 있었기 때문이다. 내 의지와 상관없이 내 몸은 이미 습관에 젖어 있었다.

A Korean-style Pancake, "부침개".

Today, it is raining all day long. When it rains, I often think of a Korean-style Pancake, "부침개". The reason is something I saw on the news on TV a long time ago. There was a segment about the frequency and the amplitude of the sounds between the falling rain and the sizzling pancake. The results were very similar. That's why when it rains, people think of the pancake. Now I plan to make this pancake with some mushroom and chives. Just thinking about it makes my mouth water. **** 오늘은 비가 하루 종일 내리고 있어요. 비가 올 때마다 저는 부침개가 생각이 나요. 오래전에 텔레비전에서 그 이유에 대한 뉴스를 들었어요. 비 오는 소리와 지글거리는 부침개 소리 사이의 주파수와 진폭에 대한 실험이 있었어요. 그 결과는 거의 같았어요. 그런 이유로, 비가 올 때 사람들은 부침개가 생각난대요. 이제 저는 버섯과 쪽파를 넣어서 부침개를 만들 생각이에요. 단지 생각만 해도 입에 군침이 돌아요.

'Hidden Singer', '히든싱어'

Jul 31, 2013. These days there is a program called 'Hidden Singer' on TV. On that program,] the audience of 100 people try to find the real singer within some people who mimic the real singer's songs. The people's ability mimic the singer's songs are very good so it's not easy to distinguish the real singer from them. Every round the audience is very surprised at their ability. A few days ago, I watched the program and I tried to find a singer called 이문세. In the final round, when I found him I was also very glad. It was because if I haven't listened to his songs, I wouldn't be able to find him. ****** 요즘 방송되고 있는 '히든싱어’라는 TV프로그램이 있어요. 100명의 방청객이 가수 모창자들 사이에서 진짜 가수를 찾는 프로그램이에요. 모창자들의 실력은 아주 대단해서 진짜 가수를 구별하기가 쉽지는 않아요. 매 라운드마다 방청객들은 모창자들의 실력에 놀라워해요. 며칠 전에 그 프로그램을 봤는데 저 역시 가수 이문세 씨를 찾으려고 노력했어요. 마지막 라운드에서 제가 그 가수를 찾았을 때 저도 너무 기뻤어요. 왜냐하면 제가 만약 그 가수의 노래를 즐겨 듣지 않았다면 아마도 그 가수를 찾을 수 없었을 거예요.

Korean traditional dance, Gang-gang-suol-lae, 한국 전통 춤 '강강술래'

Korean Thanksgiving Day, Chuseok is Korea's biggest holiday. It is on August 15 on the lunar calendar, so every year, the date of Chuseok changes. Many people go home for the holidays, so the roads are crowded with cars and buses. Fortunately, my husband's house is not far from my house. It takes about 15 minutes by car, so I don't have to worry about getting stuck in a traffic jam. During holidays, there are various events throughout the country. One of them is a Korean traditional dance, gang-gang-suol-lae. This dance has an interesting origin. During the Japanese Invasion of Korea(1592-1598), when admiral Yi Sun-shin was appointed again in his post as the naval forces controller in August 1597, he had only 13 fleets. But he was not disappointed and asked for women to make a big circle and go round to pretend to be many soldiers. He then completely defeated 133 Japanese enemy ships. The 'gang-gang' means 'a circle', the 'suol-lae' means both '...

An Oiljang village market, '오일장'

In Korea, there are different kinds of markets such as shopping malls, marts, supermarkets, convenience stores, outdoor markets, etc. Most markets are open everyday, but a once-every-5-days village market, '五日場 (Oiljang)', opens once every 5 days. ‘五’ means ‘5’, ‘日’ means 'day', ‘場’ means 'place'. The days of the market vary from region to region. Here, it happens on the 2, 7, 12, 22, 27 of every month in Jeju city. When it opens during the weekend, it is especially crowded with people and cars. This market offers a wide variety of goods, including trees, flowers, pets and domestic animals such as chicks, hens, ducks and rabbits. And it has lots of kinds of food such as rice cakes, cookies, rice cakes in hot sauce, sundae, fried food, hodduk, etc. Would you like to come with me? **** 한국에는 백화점, 마트, 슈퍼마켓, 편의점, 재래시장과 같은 다양한 종류의 시장이 있어요. 대부분의 시장은 매일 열리지만,‘오일장’은 5일에 한 번씩 장이 열려요. 지역마다 장이 열리는 날은 조금씩 달라요. 여기 제주시는 2일, 7일, 12일, 17일, 22일, 27일에 오일장이 열려요. 특히 주말에 장이 열리는 날에...

Memories of the late singer, Kim Guang Suk, '고 김광석 가수에 대한 추억'

Feb 5, 2013. Yesterday was the first day of spring. After putting 2 sheets of paper written in '立春大吉' and '建陽多慶' on the gate at 1:13a.m., I couldn't fall asleep so I watched a program on TV. On the show, there were some people, including singers, composers, and MC's, talking about there memories of the late Kim Guang Suk. He was a famous singer that died 15 years ago. Every year a special concert is held to commemorate the anniversary of his death. One singer recalled that he always kept his composure during his concerts. I also think that, too. When I was a senior in college, I saw his concert at the university festival. When he was tuning his guitar before the show, one of the strings suddenly broke. But he didn't look embarrassed. With a smile, he said, "A guitar string broke. I usually carry extra strings. I just need to change it". He then easily changed it. I was surprised by his easygoing demeanor. His voice and singing still live in my hear...

Enjoying Traditional Korean Games, '한국 전통놀이 즐기기'

Sep 21, 2013. . Now it's the Korean Thanksgiving Day holidays, so cultural events featuring traditional games are being held. Yesterday my family and I went to the Museum of Natural History. There were already adults and children enjoying traditional games such as Jaekichagi, Slap-Match, throwing Tuho, rolling a hoop, top spinning games etc. My children also enjoyed the games. I also enjoyed playing these games when I was a child. These days, children seem to enjoy computer games more than traditional games. And there was a game for adults in which they roll a hoop. I was fascinated to see participants rolling that hoop very well. Are there similar games in your nation? ***** 요즘 추석연휴라서 전통놀이를 체험할 수 있는 행사가 열리고 있어요. 저는 가족들과 어제 '자연사박물관'에 갔어요. 그곳에서는 이미 어른과 아이들이 제기차기, 딱지치기, 투호던지기, 굴렁쇠 굴리기, 팽이치기 등 전통놀이를 즐기고 있었어요. 저희 아이들도 전통놀이를 체험했어요. 저도 어렸을 때 이런 놀이를 즐겨 했어요. 요즘 아이들은 이런 전통놀이보다는 컴퓨터게임을 즐기고 있는 것 같아요. 그리고 어른들이 참가하는 굴렁쇠 굴리기 게임이 있었는데 참가자들이 굴렁쇠를 참 잘 다루는 모습이 신기했어요. 여러분의 나라에서도 이런 비슷한 전통...

Fall is Here!, '여기에 가을이 왔어요!'

Oct 16, 2013. I think the hot summer was yesterday. The last hot summer night I used to go to a park near the seashore to cool off. Now fall has really come so it is now chilly in the evening. I don't like cold days, so I don't like winter either. Although summer is very hot, I don't think it's a bad season to take a trip. I am very glad that the fall that I had been looking forward to for a long time has finally come, but I am very sorry that the hot summer is over.**** 무더웠던 여름이 벌써 엊그제 같아요. 지난 무더운 여름날 밤엔 바닷가 근처 공원에 가서 쉬곤 했어요. 이젠 진짜 가을이 왔어요. 그래서 밤엔 많이 쌀쌀해요. 저는 추운 날이 싫어요. 그래서 겨울을 그렇게 좋아하지는 않아요. 비록 여름은 무덥지만 여행하기에 나쁘지 않은 계절인 것 같아요. 기다리고 기다렸던 가을이 온 게 기쁘지만 한편으론 여름이 지나간 게 너무 아쉬워요.

Jeju Dolharbang Park, '제주 돌하르방 공원'

I went to a nice park called 'Dolharbang Park' and we enjoyed seeing various shapes of Dolharbangs. Jejudo is the largest island made by volcanic activity in Korea so we can easily see basalt. Dolharbangs are also made of the basalt. 'Dol' means 'Stone' and 'Harbang' means 'Grandfather'. The stones all look like grandfathers so we call them 'Dolharbang'. According to an old document, 260 years ago, the word of Dolharbang was appeared and it was known as patron saints of each village in Jeju. These days, some Dolharbangs are made in various poses so they are so cute. I posted my video of Dolharbangs on Youtube. Have a nice day!**** 저는 돌하르방공원에 가서 여러 모양의 돌하르방들을 구경했어요. 제주도는 한국에서 화산활동으로 만들어진 가장 큰 섬이에요. 그래서 쉽게 현무암을 볼 수 있어요. 돌하르방 또한 현무암으로 만들어졌어요. ‘돌’은 ‘Stone'이고 '하르방'은 'Grandfather'를 의미해요. 그 돌하르방 모두 할아버지를 닮아서 ‘돌하르방’이라고 불러요. 문헌에 따르면 260년 전에 ‘돌하르방’이란 말이 기록되어 있는데, 제주에서 각 마을의 수호신으로 알려져 있어요. 요즘에는 돌하르방들이 다양한 모습으로 만들어져서 무척 귀여워요. 제...

Jeju Fire Festival in Korea, '제주 들불축제'

Mar 9, 2015 Last weekend I had a good time with my family. We went to Sabyel Oreum(새별오름) to enjoy the Jeju Fire Festival. Every year Jeju province holds the festival in hopes of a good harvest. Sabyel has the story of a bird flew into the sky and became into a star. I attended the parade to fire the sheaves with a torch last year, but I just watched it from far away this year. Even though I was far away, I could feel the heat in my face. The burning oreum was very nice and the fireworks was also great! Next day, when I passed away the Sabyel oreum by car, I saw the burned and black oreum. I hope to see the Jeju Fire Festival next year again. Let me show you the Jeju Fire Festival that I took video shoots and pictures. 지난 주말에 저는 가족들과 즐거운 시간을 보냈어요. 우리는 들불출제를 보러 새별오...

Ma Yeo Jin teacher's words in 'Queen's Classroom' drama. 드라마 '여왕의 교실'의 마여진 선생님의 어록!

In the drama, called 'Queen's Classroom' (마여진), what the teacher says to all of her classes is very impressive. Her words to her children in the last class touched my heart. *** "You will live trembling with fear. You have to sacrifice today for your tomorrow. But remember that you only can live in today, not tomorrow. Whenever you feel fear, feel that you are alive. Don't do such a stupid thing as giving up today because of fear for your future. If you don't have any dreams, do your best with what you want to do and have to do, so then your dreams can be seen. Don't run away from your work and live for your happiness. Don't forget that your friends also have to be happy as well as you. Treasure yourself and your friends. Do your best to live today with your friends" said Mrs. Ma and finished her class. *** 드라마 ‘여왕의 교실’에서 마여진 선생님이 매수업마다 남기는 말씀이 아주 인상적이었어요. 그중 마지막 수업에서 하신 말씀이 제게 크게 와 닿았어요. *** "너희들은 매일 두려움에 떨며 살 거다. 내일을 위해서 오늘을 희생하며 살아야 한다. ...

Picking up my child from school, '학교에서 아이 데려오기'

Mar 4, 2014 : This morning it started raining after my children went to school. My youngest daughter went there without her umbrellas so I went to her school at one o'clock with an umbrella to pick up her. Many parents were already waiting for their children. In fact I was worried about her first experience of school life. Fortunately I felt relieved when I saw her smiling and coming out of the front door. By the way, it has been raining all day long. ***** 오늘 아침 아이들이 학교에 간 후 비가 내리기 시작했어요. 작은딸은 우산 없이 학교에 갔어요. 그래서 제가 오후 1시에 우산을 갖고 작은딸을 데리러 학교에 갔어요. 이미 학교 근처에는 아이들을 기다리는 부모들이 많이 있었어요. 사실 저는 작은딸의 첫 학교생활에 대해 걱정하고 있었는데, 다행히 환하게 웃으며 학교 문을 나오는 아이의 모습을 보고 안심이 되었어요. 그런데 하루 종일 비가 내리고 있어요.

An ordinary and rainy night!, '보통 어느 때와 같은 비 오는 밤'

Aug 2, 2014 : When I woke up to close the window in the livingroom and looked outside of the window, there was no light all around, I only heard the sound of rain as if it was yell in silence. Tonight was an ordinary and rainy day until now, so I hurried to close the window for fear of mosquitos coming into the livingroom. I suddenly felt very funny to close the window because of only mosquitos, not the typhoon, Nacuri. **** 거실 창문을 닫으려고 일어서서 창문 밖을 보았을 때, 사방은 불빛 한 점 없고 단지 빗소리만 고요 속의 외침처럼 들려왔다. 아직은 보통 어느 때와 같은 비 오는 밤인데, 모기가 들어 올까봐 성급히 창문을 닫아버렸다. 태풍 나쿠리가 아닌 단지 모기 때문에 문을 닫은 내가 갑자기 우스워졌다.

On my way to work, '출근길!'

Dec 17, 2014 : Last night it snowed, but I didn't expect the snow would lie on the road. This morning when I opened the window as soon as I woke up, I was very surprised that the world looked white with snow. I hurried helping my kids go to school . My husband and I also hurried going to work. On the way to work by car, I saw a car was sliding on the road near my house. I suggested to my husband that it would be better to walk, but my husband said "No problem". Fortunately we got to work safely, but I was very worried that an accident would happen. By the way I heard that tomorrow it also will be cold and snowy, so I am worried about going to work. If it snows a lot on the road, I will walk to work. **** 지난밤 눈이 왔지만 나는 도로에 눈이 쌓일 거라고는 예상하지 못했다. 오늘 아침 일어나자마자 창문을 열었을 때 온 세상이 눈으로 하얘서 나는 무척 놀랐다. 차로 출근길에 차 한 대가 집 근처 도로에서 미끄러지는 것을 보았다. 나는 남편에게 걸어가는 게 낫겠다고 제안했지만 남편은 “문제 없어”라고 말했다. 다행히 우리는 안전하게 회사에 도착했지만 나는 사고가 날지도 모른다는 생각에 무척 걱정했었다. 그런데 내일도 춥고 눈이 온다는 기상소식을 들어 출근을 걱정했다. 만약 내일 도로에...

My daughter's pocket money, '딸의 용돈'

Jan 17, 2015 : My youngest daughter likes to play with Lego blocks, such as 'Lego Friends'. In fact even just one set is not cheap and it does not have very many pieces so it does not take long for her to use all the pieces and make something small. And she also wants to make other things. My husband and I suggested to her that she would save some pocket money to buy it. So we decided to give her some money whenever she runs an errand for us. Today I will go to a toy house with her where children can play with various toys and Lego blocks. Of course she will pay. **** 제 작은딸은 ‘레고프렌즈’라는 레고블록 놀이를 좋아해요. 솔직히, 블록 한 세트는 가격이 싸지도 않고, 블록 개수가 많지도 않아서 딸이 작은 뭔가를 만드는데 시간이 오래 걸리지도 않아요. 그리고 딸은 다른 것도 만들기를 원해요. 저랑 남편은 딸에게 용돈을 저축하는 것을 권했어요. 그래서 딸이 우리를 위해 심부름을 할 때마다 용돈을 주기로 결정했어요. 오늘 우리는 장난감 가게에 갈 건데, 거기에는 아이들이 다양한 장난감과 레고블록으로 놀이할 수 있어요. 물론 딸이 돈을 지불할 거예요.

My wish during the typhoon, '태풍 때 나의 바람'

Aug 24, 2015 : I work by rotation so this week I must arrive at work by 7:50a.m. I heard that tomorrow the typhoon Goni will pass near Jeju island so it will rain a lot. When it rains a lot, it is difficult to get a taxi, even if I want to get a taxi through the phone. Tonight my husband is duty so he can't drive me to my work tomorrow morning. It takes about five minutes to get there by car, but twenty minutes on foot. I am worried about the typhoon.I hope it won't rain a lot and I won't be blown away by the strong wind tomorrow morning! **** 저는 로테이션으로 일해요. 그래서 이번 주는 오전 7시 50분까지 출근해야 해요. 태풍 고니가 내일 제주도 옆을 지나간다는 소식을 들었어요. 비가 많이 올 때는 택시 잡기가 어려워요. 심지어 콜택시도요. 오늘 밤 남편이 근무라 내일 아침에 저를 사무실까지 차로 데려다줄 수 없어요. 사무실까지 차로 5분 걸리지만 걸어서는 20분 걸려요. 저는 태풍이 걱정돼요. 내일 아침에 비가 많이 내리지 않길 바라고 제가 강풍에 날아가지 않았으면 해요.

To keep a hamster, '햄스터 키우기'

May 26, 2016 : My youngest daughter wanted to keep a hamster so we went to an outdoor market to buy it. We learned how to keep it from a shopkeeper; feeding, watering, changing sawdust for teeth, spreading antimicrobial, giving grinding gums of teeth, etc. I bought one hamster, a house, feed, sawdust, gums, bath powder for 30,000 won. Instead I received free antimicrobial.**** 작은딸이 햄스터 키우기를 원해서 햄스터를 사러 시장에 갔어요. 가게 주인에게서 햄스터를 키우는 방법을 배웠어요. 예를 들면, 먹이주기, 물주기, 톱밥 갈아주기, 항균제 뿌리기, 이갈이 껌 주기 등이에요. 전 햄스터 한마리, 햄스터 집, 먹이, 톱밥, 껌, 목욕가루를 모두 3만원에 샀어요. 대신에 항균제를 무료로 받았어요.

Watching drama, '드라마 시청'

I used to enjoy watching Korean dramas on TV, but now it seems that there aren't any worthwhile dramas to watch. If I miss the first episode of a new drama, it takes a long time for me to enjoy the drama. Once I start to watch it, I tend to watch it all through the weekend. *** 전 TV로 한국 드라마 시청을 즐기곤 했어요. 그러나 지금은 시청할만한 드라마들이 없어요. 만약 드라마 1회 에피소드를 못보면 그 드라마를 즐겨보는데 오랜 시간이 걸려요. 일단 드라마를 보기 시작하면, 주말내내 그 드라마를 보는 경향이 있어요.

A fantastic relationship, '환상적인 인연'

Nov 15, 2018 : Today I met my eldest daughter, Jayeon's homeroom teacher to consult about high school enterance. At first, I didn't expect that she was my friend from university. After counslation, on my way home, I noticed that she must be my frined. After university graduation. I called her and we talked some., we haven't met. Since then we met for dinner and chatted a lot. *** 오늘 난 큰딸 재연이의 담임선생님을 만나 고등학교 입학에 대해 상담을 나누었다. 처음에 나는 선생님이 대학교 친구라는 것을 예상하지 못했다. 상담 후 집에 가는 길에 나는 그녀가 내 친구가 틀림없을 거라 생각했다. 우린 졸업 후 만난적 이 없었다. 난 그녀에게 전화를 했고 잠시 이야기를 나누었다. 그 이후 우리는 만나 저녁을 먹었고 수다를 떨었다.

Chatting with my friend, '친구랑 수다떨기'

Sep 15, 2012 Today, I spoke to my friend on a chatting site. It's been a long time since we last spoke. We couldn't chat there for 2 months because he was busy working and he spent a vacation with his family. But sometimes he kept in touch by email. I thought that he might have visited me when he was in Korea for a month. But he left Korea as soon as he finished his work because his kid was in bad shape. Anyways I was glad to meet him again. We talked a lot for about 2 hours. He tole me that he bought a new light kayak because his old canoe was so big and heavy that he had trouble carrying it by his car. I asked him if he would go to work by kayak, but he said, "No" because there is a dam in the river from his house to work. He was worried about a typhoon that is coming to the Korean peninsula. He asked me why people put tape on the windows whenever a typhoon comes. He also wondered why the taped windows could not be broken by a strong wind. I told him the reason th...

My friend's bag was robbed!, '제 친구 가방이 도둑맞았어요!'

Sep 6, 2012 I was very surprised to hear her unexpected news. A few day ago, when she was trying to get a taxi to work near her house, her bag was robbed by 2 people on a motor bike. They ran pass her and grabbed her bag. She was very shocked and yelled for help, but no one helped her. They just looked. She hurried to the banks to block all her ATM Cards and Credit Cards. She also reported it to the police. After I heard her news, I was surprised by her calm action. If I were her, I couldn't act calmly like her. *** 나는 친구에게서 전화를 받았다. 2012년 9월 6일 나는 그녀의 뜻밖의 소식에 깜짝 놀랏다. 며칠 전 그녀가 집 근처에서 회사에 가기 위해 택시를 잡으려고 할 때 오토바이를 탄 2사람에게서 가방을 빼앗겼다. 그녀는 너무 놀라 도움을 요청하려고 소리를 질렀다. 그러나 아무도 그녀를 도와주지 않았다. 단지 지켜보기만 했다. 그녀는 서둘러 은행에서 현금카드, 신용카드 사용을 중지 시켰다. 나는 그녀의 침착한 행동에 놀랐다. 만약 내가 그녀였더라면, 나는 그녀처럼 침착하게 행동할 수 없었다.

My hobbies, '취미'

Hi! My hobbies are practicing the piano, going camping, taking a trip, taking photographs and studying English. If the weather is fine on a weekend, I go camping with my family. The campground we usually go to is Moguri in Seongyoup. Eating outdoors is very delicious. Looking up at the stars at night is also a pleasure. Most of all, it is great to talk with my family. I like taking trips with my family. Jeju is a major tourist city. Every year they hole several festivals in Jeju, so we go there to have fun. I also take a lot of photos. I like taking photos. Although I don't have a very nice camera, I take photos and videos with my cellphone. On the weekend if the weather is bad, I stay home and practice the piano. 8 years ago, I studied how to play the piano at a piano institute for 3 months. Now I can play easy children songs. I want to play beautiful classical music someday. After work, I sometimes study English. I am forty six years old. Many people wonder why I study Engl...

Onion skin tea, '양파차'

I watched the TV program 'Cheonginuseol' and one hundred doctors recommended ten kinds of food for health. The most impressive food was onion. It was ranked in second place. The onion is cheap and easy to buy in Korea. It is very effective in controlling blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Most of all, the onion skin contains a lot of health-beneficial elements compared to bare skin onions. People say that we should keep our health when we are healthy. After watching the program, I made onion skin tea instead of throwing it away. Making it is very easy. Put the washed onion skin into hot water and brew for about 20 minutes over a low heat. It is ok to drink it hot or cold. It is good because the tea has no taste and no smell of onion. How about a cup of onion skin tea? //// ‘천기누설’이라는 TV 프로그램을 시청했는데 100명의 의사들이 꼽은 BEST 10에 들어가는 몸에 좋은 음식들을 소개했어요. 그 중에서 인상 깊었던 음식이 양파였어요. 양파는 한국에서 값이 저렴하고 쉽게 구할 수 있는 야채예요. 양파는 혈압과 당을 조절하는데 탁월하다고 해요. 특히 양파껍질에 그런 좋은 성분이 더 많이 있대요. ‘건강은 건강할 때 지키라’는 ...

Disappearance of a woman!. '한 여성의 실종'

One day I read the news on the Internet that a forty something year old woman who lived in Awol was missing. It was local news, so I was very interested in it. On Sep. 4 around 8:20p.m, a woman, 44 years old, had lost contact with her husband when she was outside the building of the Chinese Institute in Noheyoung after her Chinese class. On the morning of the 5th, her husband reported a missing person to the police. On the Internet there was also a rumor that she was kidnapped by a Chinese man. The next day policemen started a public investigation by distributing circulars. This afternoon I wondered about her, so I read the latest news on the Internet, reporting that she had come back home safely. The police said that the woman had run away from home to be alone and then come back home after watching the news about herself. I don't know why she ran away from home, anyway I am glad that she came back home safely. **** 어느날 인터넷 뉴스에서 애월에 살고 있는 40대 주부가 실종되었다는 소식을 읽었다. 내가 살고 있는 지역 소식이라 ...

I got a flat tire," 타이어가 펑크났어요!"

I got a flat tire,"타이어가 펑크났어요!" Last Korean Thanks Giving Day, when I tried to park my car by the wayside near my house, I got a flat tire because I scraped the side of my front right wheel on something next to the road. Therefore, I called the call center of Meritz Fire & Insurance Co. and I told a counselor about my situation. Then, she told me that an engineer would call me within ten minutes so wait for awhile. After I hung up and waited for a while, I received his call and I gave him my location. He took out a spare tire from the trunk of my car and swapped it for the flat tire as soon as he came. After changing it, he suggested that I replace the spare with a new one as soon as possible. The next morning, I visited a car service center and changed the front wheels for new ones. *** 지난번 추석날, 집 근처에 있는 도로변에 차를 세우려다가 타이어가 도로 턱에 긁히면서 펑크가 났어요. 그래서 메리츠화재 콜센터에 전화를 걸어서 제 상황을 얘기했어요. 그러자 상담원이 10분 안에 기사가 연락을 갈 것이니 조금만 기다리라 얘기했어요. 전화를 끊고 잠시 기다리니 기사한테서 전화가 와서 제 위치를 알려줬어요. 기사는 ...

My stupid mistake, '어처구니 없는 실수'

Sunday morning, I was very busy preparing breakfast. I cooked soup and several side dishes. After I set the table in a hurry, jus as I opened the rice cooker I was very surprised. I had plugged in the rice cooker but not pressed the start button. In the end, I had to wait 35 more minutes for the rice to cook. **** 일요일 오전, 아침을 차리려고 분주한 시간을 보냈다. 국이랑 여러 가지 반찬을 만들었다. 그리고 서둘러 상을 차린 후 밥을 뜨려고 밥통을 여는 순간, 깜짝 놀랐다. 전원 플러그를 콘서트에 잘 꽂고는 취사’버튼을 누르지 않았기 때문이다. 결국 밥이 되기까지 약 35분을 더 기다려야 했다.

A serious conversation with my daughter, '딸과의 진진한 대화'

During the week I am so busy with my work, It's not easy to look after my children. After I finish my work, I set the table, make dinner, wash the dishes, help my children with their homework, after which I feel very tired so I take a rest by watching TV. Each day passes like this. Yesterday was Saturday so I was at home all day long. I had a serious conversation with my eldest daughter in a long time. I am not strict with my children and don't require them to get good grades at school but I do tell them that they should study very hard. After talking with her, her last words were touching. "I am so proud of you!" it made me feel very happy at the moment. 주중에는 일 때문에 바빠서 아이들 돌보기가 쉽지 않아요. 퇴근해서 집에 오면 저녁 준비하고 먹고 설거지 하고 아이들 숙제하는 것 도와주면 저도 지쳐서 TV를 보며 휴식을 취해요. 이렇게 하루가 지나가 버려요. 어제는 토요일이라 집에서 푹 쉬었어요. 오랜만에 큰딸과 진지한 대화를 나누는 시간을 가졌어요. 저는 아이들에게 공부를 잘해야 된다고 강요하지는 않지만 열심히 해야 된다고 말해요. 이런저런 얘기를 많이 했는데 큰딸이 마지막에 하는 말이 감동적이었어요. “난 엄마가 자랑스러워!” 순간 저는 너무 행복해졌어요

My daughter's elementary school entrance ceremony, '작은딸의 초등학교 입학식'

Today my youngest daughter had her elementary school entrance ceremony. After the ceremony, all the parents went into the children's classroom and met the homeroom teacher. The children were so quiet, all full of nervous tension. And then She told them cute and funny to just relax. Thanks to her, all the parents laughed. I liked the teacher's attitude so much. She told us that she would do her best to help the children have a happy school life. My daughter likes school so much because she has met close friends of the neighborhood in her class. **** 오늘 작은딸의 초등학교 입학식이 있었어요. 그리고 입학식이 끝난 후에는 부모님들이 교실에 들어가서 담임선생님을 만났어요. 아이들은 긴장했는지 아주 조용했어요. 그러자 담임선생님이 아이들의 긴장을 풀어주려고 귀엽고 재밌게 말씀하셨어요. 선생님 덕분에 부모님들이 까르르 웃었어요. 저는 선생님의 그런 모습이 너무 좋았어요. 아이들이 행복한 학교생활을 할 수 있도록 최선을 다하시겠다고 말씀하셨어요. 작은딸은 친한 친구들이 같은 반이 되어서 무척 좋아해요.

Dinner!, '저녁식사!'

After work my family and I had dinner at a buffet restaurant. Today is Friday evening so there were already a lot of people. We were very hungry so we had a hearty supper. When we came home, my husband gave us chocolate. My daughters and I had some of it, even though we were very full! Have a good Friday.

Funny myself!, '우스운 내 자신!'

When I woke up to close the window in the livingroom and looked outside of the window, there was no light all around, I only heard the sound of rain as if it was yell in silence. Tonight was an ordinary and rainy day until now, so I hurried to close the window for fear of mosquitos coming into the livingroom. I suddenly felt very funny to close the window because of only mosquitos.

Going to the pharmacy, '약국가기'

Now I am very tired and sleepy. After work, on my way home I stopped by the pharmacy to buy some medicine. I told a pharmacist that I had a sore throat so she asked me if my stomach was ok. Then she gave me two kinds of medicine. I should take four pills three times a day after meals. I already took some, a little while ago. Be careful not to catch a cold^^ 지금 저는 매우 피곤하고 졸려요. 일을 끝내고 집에 오는 길에 약을 사려고 약국에 들렀어요. 약사에게 목이 아프다고 하자 그 약사는 제 위장상태가 괜찮은지 물었어요. 그러고는 그 약사는 제게 두 종류의 약을 줬어요. 저는 하루에 세 번, 식사 후에 네 개의 알약을 먹어야 해요. 조금 전에 이미 그 약들을 먹었어요. 여러분도 감기 조심하세요^^

Buying some small fish!, ;물고기 사기'

On my way home I heard the sound of horns tooting. When I looked back, there was my husband's car. I was surprised and I got in the car. My husband and my youngest daughter were on the way to an aquarium store to buy some fish. When my family and I visited a five-day interval village market last weekend, we saw several kinds of fish in fish bowls. My youngest daughter asked me to buy some fish, but I refused it because I didn't want to clean the fish bowl regularly. Since then she kept asking my husband to buy some fish. In the end they bought some small fish, a small bowl, and a bottle of feed. On the way home in the car, I asked my husband to clean the fish bowl and look after them well.

Using coupons, '쿠폰 사용'

I have saved some coupons of the Daegi restaurant for about six months. There are five different ways to use the coupons. 1. 30,000Won for dumpling. 2. 150,000Won for sweet and sour pork. 3.200,000Won for mapa tofu. 4. 300,000Won for assorted seafood and vegetables with mustard sauce. 5. 400,000Won for deep fried chicken in hot pepper sauce. This evening I calculated the total for 150,000Won so I called in for black been sauce noodles and spicy seafood sauce noodles. But I heard that I could not use the coupons for sweet and sour pork because the owner has been changed since last December. I was angry and cancelled my order. My children wanted to have the food for dinner so I called in elsewhere. Fortunately the net restaurant was better! But unfortunately, the owner also lost other regular customers, my brother and my sister!

What to do before the age of fifty, 50살이 되기 전에 할 일!

People say that the age of forty is when life really begins. Before I was forty, I started learning foreign languages. I already had one foot in a different world so I still want to have more experience and learn more about the world before the age of fifty.

After watching the movie, '명량‘, '영화 명량'을 보고'

Many nations have been attacked by other nations and fought violently with each other in the past. When their descendants watch a movie about that serious situation a long time later, it is a special experience. When I watched the scene where Admiral Yi Sun-shin and people were overcoming the worst crisis together, I felt that my heart was glowing with patriotism.

'In Addition To The Name of Love' by the youth choir ; 청춘 합창단의 '사랑이라는 이름을 더하여', 남자의 자격!

I watched the replay of NAMJAE JAGYUK which means a man's qualification on TV a few days ago. I was very glad to watch it because I could listen to a nice choir again. The program was broadcasted on KBS2 TV Channel on Sunday at 5.10 p.m. from 2009. 3. 29. to 2013. 4. 7 Regular panel members of Namjae jagyuck, had to complete various challenges, there were at least 101 things to complete before they die. The program also showed the viewers the members‘ real appearances while doing their best to complete tasks. One of their special tasks was singing in a national choir, which was hosted by KBS broadcasting station on September 24th, 2011. Kim Tae Won (김태원)), a leader of a rock band, ‘Revival (부활)’ and a regular panel member of Namjae jagyuck( 남자의 자격), composed a choir song, ‘In Addition To The Name of Love (사랑이라는 이름을 더하여)’ He also asked for a composer, Woo Hyo Won (우효원) to arrange his chorus and for the first time, he became a conductor of the choir. The famous conductor, Yun Hak...

Hangeul, Hunminjeongeum , '한글', '훈민정음'

During the Joseon Dynasty in Korea used Chinese characters to write. Chinese characters were difficult to learn. The people who worked and lived day by day did not think of learning Chinese characters, nor did they have a chance to learn them. King Sejong made letters that could be easily used by all people. King Sejong the Great (1418-1450), the fourth king of the Joseon Dynasty, was sorry that the people could speak but could not understand writing, so in December of the 25th year of King Sejong's reign, he made Hangeul which is our own writing and phonetic alphabet, and distributed Hunminjeongeum in the 28th year (1446). Hangul consisted of 28 characters, 17 consonants and 11 vowels at first. Now Hangul consists of 14 consonants and 10 vowels. Today, October 9 was designated as the national holiday "Hangul Day". It is a day to celebrate King Sejong's invention and publication of Hangeul to the world, and to honor the excellence of the Korean letters. I really ap...

To. My friend in Canada

How was your summer trip with your family in Jeju? I don't know how you and So-hee were feeling, but I felt more relaxed than before while spending time with your family. Next time I hope we can spend more time together cooking meat and playing several games and staying at a big pension. Maybe we can do that during your next trip. I am really looking forward to it. Whenever you and your family visit us, our children have a great experience. Most of all, So-hee said, "I hope your dreams come true and you have the chance to live abroad. I really appreciate you and her for visiting us!

Letter from me in the past!(과거의 나에게서 온 편지!)

This week I am on vacation but I don't have any special plans. Today I am at home all day long to clean my house. Tomorrow I will have lunch with my parents and watch movie at a theater with my friend in the evening. Every year at work there is a special time to write a letter to our future selves/ my future self. Last Saturday I went to a work party with my coworkers. We played games, had dinner and chatted a lot. Most of all, writing myself a letter to open next year was a very heartfelt activity. And it was also so touching to receive a letter from myself from 18 months ago. Let me show you my letter from the past. To. Laura celebrating New Year's in 2019 Did you follow through all of the plans you set in 2018? You didn't give up, did you? or have you matured? Whatever happened, I think you did your best and lived life for another year. I hope you can say that you worked very hard and got along very well. I am worried that you might be looking after yourself poorly...

To the Hellolingo team!

Hi~ Bernard and the Hellolingo team I am so glad to read your message on New Year's Day. I am from South Korea and live in small Jeju island. When I started learning English 8 years ago after I graduated University, I felt lonely and realized that learning languages is to communicate with people. At that time 'Sharedtalk' was my friend and now 'Hellolingo' is my friend. I think I must be lucky. I think learning languages is such a lonely thing. When I go through the dark tunnel, I think of Hellolingo as a bright light shining beside me. I also want to be the light for friends who want to learn Korean. I really appreciate you and your Hellolingo team. Happy New Year~~~