A good story!
I have two daughters who are 10 and 6 years old. They sometimes help me with small chores like cleaning rooms, washing the dishes, going to the store etI have two daughters who are 10 and 6 years old. They sometimes help me with small chores like cleaning rooms, washing the dishes, going to the store etc. Whenever they help me or get a good report card at school, I pay them pocket money. Then, they either save the money or spend it buying something they need or want. A few days ago, I watched a good video on the Internet. After watching it, I was lost in thought for a while. If I were to say the same thing to my children as the mother in the story, I wondered what they would say.(=If I told my children what the mother in the story told her son, I wondered what they would say.)
"Will my children also answer my question like the boy in the story?" I really wondered what their response might be. That day, When my children came to me, expecting pocket money, I (looked at them and) told them the story about the mother and son. My eldest daughter said "Mom, first give me the money. After saving all the money then I will return it to you." My youngest daughter said "Mom, paid in full!" After listening to their reponses, I laughed for a while.
제게는 열 살과 여섯 살인 딸이 두 명 있어요. 가끔 딸들이 방 청소하기, 설거지하기, 가게에 가기 등과 같은 일을 도와줘요. 그들이 저를 돕거나 학교에서 좋은 점수를 받을 때면 저는 용돈을 줘요. 그러면 아이들은 저금을 하거나 필요한 물건을 사는데 용돈을 써요. 며칠 전 인터넷에서 좋은 비디오를 봤어요. 시청 후에 저는 잠시 동안 생각에 잠겼어요. 만약 제가 그 이야기에 나오는 어머니처럼 아이들에 말한다면, 과연 아이들이 뭐라고 얘기할지 궁금했어요. "내 아이들도 이야기에 나오는 그 남자 아이처럼 대답할까?” 저는 정말 아이들의 대답이 궁금했어요. 그날 저는 뭔가를 한 대가로 용돈을 기대하는 아이들을 쳐다봤어요. 그리고 저는 그 어머니처럼 그 이야기를 그들에게 얘기했어요. 큰딸이 말하기를 “엄마, 먼저 그 돈을 주세요. 모든 돈을 모은 후에 엄마께 돌려드릴게요.” 작은딸이 말하기를 “엄마, 완불!” 저는 대답을 듣고 한동안 웃었어요.
............. (A good story on the Internet) ................
My little boy came up to me in the kitchen this evening, while I was making dinner. And he handed me a piece of paper he'd been writing on. And after wiping my hands on my apron, I read it. And this is what it said. For mowing the lawn, 5$. For making my own bed this week, 1$. For going to the store, 50cents. Playing with the little brother while you went to the store, 25cents. For taking out the rubbish, 1$. Getting a good report card, 5$. For raking yard, 2$. Total owed $14.75. Well, I looked at him standing there expectantly, And a thousand mind memories flashed through my mind. And so I picked up the pen, tuning the paper over, this is what I wrote. For the nine months I carried you, growing inside me, no charge. For the nights I've sat up with you, doctored you and prayed for you, no charge. For the time and the tears that you cast through the years, there's no charge. When you add it all up, the cost my love is no charge. For the nights filled with dread and the worried and ahead, no charge. For advice and the knowledge, and the cost of your college, no charge. For the toys, food and clothes and for wiping your nose, there's no charge, son. When you add it all up, the full cost of my love is no charge. When he finished reading, he had great big tears in his eyes. And he looked up at me and said, "Mom, I really do love you!" Then he took the pen, and in great big letters, he wrote, "Paid in full!". When you add it all up, the cost of real love is no charge.
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